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Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending

I grew up around the world, meaning that my personality and beliefs are influenced by a variety of different societies and cultures from around the world. I have travelled independently and I have studied and worked in the UK, NL, Spain, Peru and Lesotho. I'm now an adult. I define adulthood as being capable of controlling situations, being able to get out of sticky situations and being able to create and do whatever it is you want to do. It's taken me a while to master all points of being an adult: I've been to prison, trekked the Himalayas, couch surfed around Europe, scaled the Andes, studied for 20 years, skydived, swum with turtles, cycled the South of Spain and peed next to a rattle snake in the Rockies. I'm 24 and I've ended up working in Lesotho, Southern Africa, working to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS and TB in OVCs.

SO..what's to be expected from my blog? What's the point in it all? I'm going to use it as a way to reminisce on my travels around the world.

I'll try to keep it as unpretentious as possible but keep it interesting and concise.

Peace out everyone. Hasta pronto. Ciao. In a bit

Harriet x

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